Application Checklist: Texas Consumable Hemp & CBD Product License
The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) has recently release proposed regulations for the manufacturing, processing, distributing, and retail sale of consumable hemp products. While the draft is yet final, it does give a preview of what hemp & cbd businesses can expect to produce in order to receive a proper license and what Texas hemp & cbd license attorneys will need to file a complete application
Texas Consumable Hemp & CBD License Checklist
1) Application for Manufacturing, Processing, Distribution
- Legal description of EACH location – including the GPS coordinates (this includes each manufacturing, processing, and storage facility);
- Written consent from the property owner (if the applicant is not the property owner) allowing DPS (or any other state or local law enforcement agency) to enter to inspect;
- A fingerprint-based criminal background check from each applicant (ineligible if felony controlled substance conviction within 10 years);
- Name of license applicant;
- Business name (if different than applicant);
- Mailing address of the business;
- Street address of the facility;
- Primary business contact telephone number;
- Personal email address of the applicant;
- Email address of the business (if different than the applicant’s email)
- If a person owns or operates two or more facilities, each facility shall be licensed separately by listing the name and address of each facility on SEPERATE application forms;
- All Fees must be submitted with the application
- Manufacturing, Processing, Distributing Application Fees: $250 for EACH facility
2) Application for Retail Consumable Hemp & CBD
- Applications must be submitted by the owner, operator, OR owner designee and shall contain the following information:
- Business name;
- Mailing address of facility;
- Street address of each location;
- Primary business contact telephone number;
- Phone number for each location;
- Primary business email address
- All fees must be submitted with the application
- Retail Application Fee: $150 for EACH location
Feel free to contact our Cannabis Law Firm to assist you and your business with any hemp & CBD needs at 713-568-7011 or 713-237-8380. You may also email us at [email protected].
