10 Things You Should Know During a Traffic Stop
A recent article is circulating regarding 10 things one should know during a traffic stop. While some of the information is true, a few pieces are both confusing and untrue.
1) You have the right to remain silent, but upon request should produce your correct name, address, driver’s license & insurance.
2) If an officer has reasonable suspicion or probable cause a crime is or will be committed he/she can ask you to step out of the vehicle.
3) You have the right to ask the officer, why you are being ordered out of the vehicle, but he does not have to answer or give you a reason.
4) You can ask if you are free to leave. If the officer says yes, you may leave. If the officer says no, consider yourself detained for further investigation. Remember your right to remain silent.
5) You can ask if you are under arrest. If the officer says no, ask if you may leave. If the officer says you are under arrest, do not resist. Remember your right to remain silent.
7) You have the right to disagree with the officer, but your right does not extend to being physical with the officer.
8) You have the right to record, and in most instances are being recorded by the police vehicle’s dash camera.
9) You CAN absolutely refuse permission to search your vehicle.
10) Understand less is more. The officer may not have reasonable suspicion to detain or probable cause to arrest you. Don’t provide it by thinking you can talk your way out of the situation.