But, I can legally buy Hemp Milk? Marijuana Oil vs. CBD Oil vs. Hemp Oil.

Marijuana Oil
Marijuana oil or cannabis oil is extracted from the marijuana plant. It contains high levels of THC (you will get “high”) and lower levels of CBD. Marijuana oil is currently illegal in Texas, unless prescribed under Texas’ Compassionate Use Act.
CBD oil or hemp extract is extracted from the hemp plant and contains high levels of Cannabinoids with undetectable to nearly undetectable levels of THC (you will not get “high). The legality of CBD oil in Texas is “dazed and confused” to say the least with lawmakers, law enforcement, and Texas attorneys all having different opinions.
Hemp Oil
Hemp Oil is sourced from hemp seeds. As such there is no THC (unlike Marijuana Oil) and no cannabinoids (unlike CBD Oil). This is why you can purchase hemp milk at your local grocery store and it is 100% legal.