Harris County Lockdown
Today, effective at 11:59 pm, the county judge ordered a shelter-in-place or lockdown. While the order lists a number of provisions, because we are criminal defense attorneys we are concerned with:
Thus it is now $1000 short of a DWI to break lockdown:
Here is the authority:
Sec. 418.173. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN. (a) A state, local, or interjurisdictional emergency management plan may provide that failure to comply with the plan or with a rule, order, or ordinance adopted under the plan is an offense.
(b) The plan may prescribe a punishment for the offense but may not prescribe a fine that exceeds $1,000 or confinement in jail for a term that exceeds 180 days.
The concern is, it seems, police can now yield a broad sword in approaching persons out and about.
Stay safe. Stay fresh. Stay clean.

Harris County Criminal Court Locations
Harris County Criminal Courtrooms
As the Harris County Criminal Justice System continues to recover from Hurricane Harvey, the misdemeanor courts have finally moved back into the original criminal courthouse (1201 Franklin).
See below for updated courtroom locations and times.